Team Project Seniors' Challenge Gravity
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RIT School of Media Sciences - Media Arts and Technology (MAAT) seniors learn valuable project management skills through live engagement with real clients. To help prepare for client engagements, MAAT Seniors participate in a rather unique experiment. The goal of this experiment is keep an egg from cracking after dropping it from a 30-foot bridge onto a concrete landing. Students learn how to work alongside their potential team members by utilizing project management skills including, planning, creating, designing, collaborating, and communicating, within the constraints of time and materials. The goals of this assignment require real-time critical thinking to carefully contain an egg, while managing the impact of the drop. Students were provided 15 plastic straws, a rubber band, one arms length of tape, and of course, the egg. They were given 30 minutes to assess the problem, develop a plan, and implement the solution, not all eggs survived.
The principles of this fun exercise extend throughout the semester as the students take on live projects with real clients from concept to completion. The Team Project course provides an integrated experience that leverages the variety of skils the sudents have built over the prior years in the program. Many of our students claim that this Team Project experience paves the way for real-world engaments in their future careers.