Direct Mail Remains King, yet Spending Remains Elsewhere
Direct Mail

Advertising strategies tend to place low emphasis on direct mail, yet direct mail continues to prove it's effectiveness. Direct mail has high engagement, as well as the ability to be personalized especially to the reader. When creating direct mail, the designer has full control over a variety of aspects. Things like color, paper size, paper type, envelope size, and more are able to be completely customized. Not only is direct mail an extremely flexible medium, but it also has great ROI. In an Australian poll, it was found that 19.82% of those surveyed immediately opened emails, while 52% immediately opened direct mail. So why is it then, that direct mail spending growth (+9%) is below both digital (+25%) and cinema (+32%)? Maybe it's because advertisers are marketing toward Millennials? Well 77% of Millennials prefer direct mail over other media. So next time you're running an ad campaign, don't neglect direct mail.
Full article found here:,if-direct-mail-is-king-why-are-we-not-doing-more.aspx?utm_source=PIM&utm_medium=fastfact