Most Influential: TV, Followed by Newspapers
Consumer Attitudes
June 2012 -- American consumers say the advertising medium most influential in their purchase decision is by far, television (37.2%), followed by newspapers (10.6%), the Internet (5.6%), and magazines (4.4%).

Results from TVB’s Media Comparisons 2012 study, conducted independently by consumer research firm Knowledge Networks, finds that the majority of respondents across all age groups believe that TV influences their purchase decisions the most. Of interest, 18-34 year-olds are the most likely to note TV’s influence (40.8%) compared to older consumers, with 32.7% age 65 and older citing TV’s influence.
While the influence of TV declines with age, the influence of newspapers gains traction. While 3.2% of 18-34 year-olds cite newspapers influence over their purchase decisions, these numbers rise proportionately to 12.3% among 35-64 year-olds and 18.5% among those 65+. The same occurs with magazines, although to a lesser extent.
The influence of radio ads is relatively low, yet stable among the age groups surveyed. Billboards influence is noted by just a fraction of respondents ages 18-65+. Interestingly, 3.1% of teenagers, ages 13-17, with 3.1% state it is the most influential medium affecting their purchase decisions.
Digitally, the influence of online ads is far more prevalent among 13-17 year-olds (12.0%) and 18-34 year-olds (7.4%) versus seniors (2.9%). The influence of mobile advertising is beginning to gain traction with adults, age 18-54. The influence of mobile ads was non-existent for teenage and senior respondents.
About: Online survey conducted Q1 2012 for Television Bureau of Advertising, Inc. by Knowledge Networks, utilizing their “Knowledge Panel.” There were 1,557 respondents in total (1,433 ages 18+, 124 ages 13-17). The survey included “cell phone only” households.
Source: TVB, Media Comparison Study, accessed June 28, 2012.